MyOverview est une startup qui développe une plateforme de travail collaboratif intelligente qui rend la vie au travail plus facile et productive au quotidien.
L’application révolutionne le quotidien professionnel en réunissant sur une même interface : les emails, les tâches, les projets, le calendrier, chat, gestion des tickets, analyse des performances au jour le jour sans compter tous les outils dont les structures ont besoin pour collaborer et gérer leurs équipes.
MyOverview possède également une branche dédiée au business travel qui permet aux agences de voyages d’affaires de digitaliser leurs réservations offlines. L'objectif est d'offrir une expérience client augmentée.
Just like many companies after having experienced a certain amount of growth, we were faced with a growing dilemma of ensuring cooperation, communication, and a high productivity within that growing team.
After conducting a thorough market research to find a technology that could help us better manage cooperation, communication, and productivity, especially having more and more colleagues working from home and from other countries, we realized rapidly that such a tool did not exist for us.
So we simply decided to build our own tool.
Meet MyOverview, a digital assisting tool that brings all the technologies you need for your daily work under one roof.
Commonly defined as a “digital workplace”, MyOverview is an integrated All-in-one system covering all your needs.
MyOverview is working for you.