
Analyste Marketing (H/F) - Secteur industrie ferroviaire

Plus d'info sur Wabtec Corporation

Contrat en alternance Marketing Hauts-de-Seine septembre 2025 de 12 à 24 mois

Wabtec Corporation est un fournisseur mondial de premier plan d'équipements, de systèmes, de solutions numériques et de services pour les industries ferroviaires de fret et transport de passagers, ainsi que pour les marchés minier, maritime et industriel. Implanté dans plus de 50 pays avec plus de 25 000 employés, le groupe réalise un chiffre d’affaires d’environ 8 milliards de dollars 

Fort de près de quatre siècles d'expérience collective chez Wabtec, General Electric Transportation et Faiveley Transport, la société possède une expertise numérique inégalée, une innovation technologique et des processus de fabrication et des services de classe mondiale.


- apprenticeship -

Within the Transit Division, this position involves supporting, in cooperation with Marketing & Sales teams and Product Management teams, strategic marketing and operational marketing tasks with particular focus on competition intelligence contents to strengthen Wabtec value proposition on targeted market opportunities in railway sector and industrial technology sector.

Direct reporting line: Vice President Marketing Transit

Main responsibilities

Strategic marketing

  • Carry out competitive analyses on existing markets.
  • Carry out ad-hoc studies for Business Unit managers or the Transit management team (new technologies, product adjacencies, market potential analysis, etc.)

Operational marketing

  • Creation of a marketing communication campaign
  • Article/White papers
  • Product promotion video

CRM tool: support for running and managing the tool. 

  • Onboarding of new Customer Relationship Marketing users & trainings (B2B order process) 
  • Testing issues and bugs reported by the user.
  • Communicating about of new content and dashboard

Candidate profile

Bac+3/4 in engineering or business school with the ability to work in an industrial environment for a work-study position starting in September 2025.

Skills :

  • Good knowledge of the Office pack
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Good level of English
  • Knowledge of CRM Tool will be an advantage.

Duration: 1 to 2 years of apprenticeship

(PDF - Max : 5 Mo)
(PDF - Max : 5 Mo)


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Wabtec Corporation Stage Alternance

Wabtec Corporation
Service Recrutement

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